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Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Our raffles are a fun way to have a chance of winning a great item! Every individual is eligible for one FREE entry. The raffle item changes each time. For a list of previous raffle items, see the section below. If you're interested in joining the raffle, check out the current month's Raffle event (see below). A raffle entry purchase does not automatically renew, meaning you can pick and choose which months you want to enter the raffle.

Note: Free entry winners must be following all associated sponsors of the raffle on the social media listed in the entry ticket. If the winner does not meet that criteria at the time of drawing, a new winner will be drawn.


  1. One (1) free entry for every individual (must be following all social media accounts mentioned in the raffle entry form details) that purchases the Free Raffle Entry ticket.

  2. One (1) additional free entry for every individual that purchases the Free Raffle Entry ticket and shares the current month's raffle Instagram post from the @venturediscs Instagram account to their story and tags 4 friends in the comments.   

  3. Two (2) additional entries for every $1 spent on the paid entry. The paid entry can be any amount you desire to pay. As an example, if you paid for a $5 entry, you would gain 10 entries into the raffle.

Note: All active monthly donors to a VENTUREDISCS monthly donation plan automatically receive the free number of entries associated with their active plan(s).

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